Can i transfer my openoffice documents to google drive
Can i transfer my openoffice documents to google drive

can i transfer my openoffice documents to google drive

Google Docs is a key component of Google Drive. More - Opens the same context menu that you would see if you right click on a file (Will only appear if a document is selected) Preview - Quickly previews the document with the viewer instead of the editing application (Will only appear if a document is selected)ġ2. Trash - Places the selected file(s) into the trash bin (Will only appear if a document is selected)ġ1. Move To - Moves a selected file to another folder in your Google Drive (Will only appear if a document is selected)ġ0. (Will only appear if a document is selected)ĩ. Share Item - Allows you to share currently selected file(s) to be shared. If you select create a new folder while in a folder, it will create a new folder in that new folder.Ĩ. Create a new folder - Creates a folder in Google Drive. Recent - Shows a list of Google Docs that you have recently opened.ħ. Starred - Same feature found in Gmail, Starring an item highlights importance and you will find a link to that Google Doc here.Ħ. Shared with me - Any Google Docs that are shared with you will first appear here.ĥ. My Drive - Access your Google Drive from the top-most level (Same as clicking Drive on the top black toolbar.)Ĥ. Upload - Uploads a file from you local computer.ģ. Let's take a quick look at the options available to us:Ģ. Notice how similar the Drive menu bar on the left side of your browser is to the one in Gmail. At the top of the browser click on the Drive link in the black toolbar.Ĭlicking on this link will open the Google Drive in a new window.

can i transfer my openoffice documents to google drive

To access your Google Drive, sign into your email account. Currently, each user has a total of 30GB available for their account. You can upload, store, share, create files, and access them from anywhere you have a network connection, and with any device. This virtual space is associated with your email account. Google Drive is a cloud storage service provided by Google to all of its users.

Can i transfer my openoffice documents to google drive