Diesel only the brave by diesel
Diesel only the brave by diesel

You can expect a timely refund upon the return of the product.

diesel only the brave by diesel

If you would like to return a product from your order, simply send the unopened product back to the address below in its original sealed packaging. Orders may be returned up to 3 days from the date you received the package for a full refund minus shipping cost (both ways). We are a highly rated company and offer hassle-free returns. If your order is multiple items and one of them is out of stock, we will go ahead and ship the rest of your order issuing a refund for the item(s) not in stock. In the situation where the item you have ordered is not in stock, we will be advising you about this and will provide you with a full refund. Upon completion of your shipment, you will receive an email with your tracking number to view its transit, via FedEx.

diesel only the brave by diesel

We strive to process all orders in a timely manner, orders ship within 24-48 business hours. Our reviews are by our own paying customers. All fragrances are 100% Authentic with money back guarantee.

Diesel only the brave by diesel